HCARDU0024Questo sensore commercializzato come HCARDU0024 e facilmente reperibile su internet a costi modici integra il chip LM393

Per il cablaggio occorre tenere conto che:

Pin 1 - Uscita Analogica

Pin 2 - Massa GND

Pin 3 - Vcc +5Vdc

Pin 4 - Uscita digitale (sensibilità regolabile col potenziometro)

 Il codice per gestirlo è il seguente


// ARD_Flame_Detector_Sensor_HCARDU0024_Example.pde

/* FILE: ARD_Flame_Detector_Sensor_HCARDU0024_Example.pde
DATE: 03/07/12
This is a simple example of how to use the HobbyComponents Arduino flame detection
module (HCARDU0024). The sensor has two outputs, an analogue output that is
dependent on how strong a flame is detected, or a digital output that will go high if
a flame is detected above a threshold set by the modules potentiometer.
This example program reads the status of both sensor outputs and outputs the result
to the UART.
PIN 1: Analogue out
PIN 2: Ground
PIN 3: +5V
PIN 4: Digital out
You may copy, alter and reuse this code in any way you like but please leave
reference to HobbyComponents.com in your comments if you redistribute this code. */
/* Select the input pin for the flame detectors analogue output. */

/* Select the input pin for the flame detectors digital output. */
#define FLAME_DETC_DIO 2

/* Initialise serial and DIO */
void setup()
/* Setup the serial port for displaying the status of the sensor */

/* Configure the DIO pin the sensors digital output will be connected to */
/* Main program loop */
void loop()
/* Read the sensors analogue output and send it to the serial port */
Serial.print("Sensor Value: ");

/* Read the status of the sensors digital output and if it is high
then send an alert to the UART */
if (digitalRead(FLAME_DETC_DIO))
Serial.println(" FLAME DETECTED!");
